Humans bite back!


Humans bite back!

#aesthetics #food

The project was made in a short course with the theme of aesthetics and animals. It was realised with a recipe for cookies based on crickets and an instructional video. Our theory was that by showing the process behind cooking with insects, the concept would cease being dramatic and become acceptable in “westerner“ eyes.  

Before humans had tools insects represented an important part of our diet. With an extra 3 billion people estimated to be sharing the planet with us by 2050 - farmland and resources for raising livestock will not be enough.

Insects can be an alternative and more sufficient source for protein than livestock meat.

Part of the exhibition Design to Feed the World at the Fiera Milano, Salone Satellite and at the Expo 2015, at Fabbrica del Vapore. 

Made in collaboration with Kornelia Knutson, 2011

Humans bite back_1.jpg